Hospitality House of Tulsa would not be able to function if not for our wonderful army of volunteers who help create a functioning home-like atmosphere where our guests can feel welcomed and cared for. We want the volunteer experience to be fun, rewarding, and convenient for you, so we have identified distinct areas for you to get involved in based on your schedule, skills, and interests.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities are flexible around your schedule, whether you are available weekly, monthly, occasionally, or just for a specific event.
Welcome Center Host
This opportunity ideally helps manage daily Welcome Center tasks. It may include answering the phones, administrative organizational tasks, greeting guests, or helping with guests' laundry.
Prayer Support
One of the services HHT provides to guests is prayer support. Join other faithful volunteers in praying over guest prayer requests and writing the families encouraging notes. This opportunity can be done from anywhere.
Meals of Love
Do you enjoy cooking for groups? At HHT we seek to provide our guests with home-cooked meals to ensure that those preoccupied by medical crisis eat on a regular basis. Members of the Meals of Love team make this possible by dropping off meals for our 20-30 guests. Great for small groups. Volunteer with MOL once a week, once a month, or once a quarter!
Laundry Angel
HHT outsources the laundry service for the bedding in guest rooms. As a Laundry Angel, you will pick up packaged items to be laundered and take it to the laundromat. Then pick up the clean laundry and deliver it back to Hospitality House. A great opportunity to swing by on your lunch break or if you're in the neighborhood regularly.
Volunteer Expectations & Guidelines
At Hospitality House, our mission is our mission! We invite our amazing volunteers to be a part of serving families in medical crisis in the way(s) that best fits them. All volunteer tasks and opportunities must align with the mission and vision, as well as the current need(s) of the organization.
Volunteer Activities with Guests
Activities such as worship services, Bible studies, or educational classes are not likely to be attended by the guests due to the uncertain nature of the medical crisis they are in. While we love the idea and heart behind volunteers wanting to do these types of activities, our guests spend most of their time during the day at the hospital with their loved one and do not typically have the availability or capacity to attend such events.
Volunteer Groups
Groups up to 15 people are welcome to volunteer onsite doing various activities and projects to meet a need as determined by staff. Some restrictions apply. Talk with a staff member to determine if your volunteer group could be accommodated.
Groups over 15 people are difficult to accommodate onsite due to space constraints, but are encouraged to volunteer offsite in various ways including supply drives, making care packages for the families, and holding small fundraisers.
Single-project groups that would like to volunteer on a designated "serve day" with their company, school, or church are required to bring the necessary supplies to complete the project or to make a donation to cover the cost of the supplies. Hospitality House does not have the resources to fund special group projects that are not in our budget.
In-Kind Gifts from Volunteers
For a list of items that may be donated to support the mission of Hospitality House, check out our NEEDS LIST and our AMAZON WISH LIST.
Unapproved in-kind gifts that are not on the needs list cannot be accepted. These items include, but are not limited to:
Opened/partially used toiletry items
Expired or opened food
Clothing, shoes, or hats of any kind (new or used) unless specifically requested
Laundry soap that is not approved for HE machines
Furniture that is broken, worn, or stained
Vehicles, including lawn mowers
Box TV's or other outdated equipment/technology
Inappropriate media of any kind (books, magazines, movies)
Volunteer Hours
Hospitality House welcomes volunteers to complete hours for internships and other similar programs (pending application approval). When planned in advance, this can be a great help to our staff, as well as positive learning experience for the volunteer.
All outside program requirements will be assessed by staff leadership to determine if the volunteer will be able to complete the set number of hours in the given time, while also meeting a need at Hospitality House.
Most volunteer shifts range from 1-4 hours depending on the need and the volunteer's availability. Hospitality House cannot accommodate volunteers needing excessive hours to meet a deadline for an outside program.
Volunteer Supervision
Volunteers play a vital role in the mission of the organization. Like most other nonprofits, Hospitality House has limited resources and relies on volunteers to support the staff and help carry out important daily tasks.
While the staff is present to provide training and supervision for volunteers, their first priority is to serve the guests. Volunteers that want/need constant attention, company, or supervision by a staff member are not a fit in this environment.
Volunteer Maintenance Requirements
Hospitality House requires that maintenance on electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and some painting projects be done by trained and certified professionals, not volunteers. If a volunteer happens to have expertise in a certain maintenance-related area and would like to donate their services, the staff will assess the need and coordinate with the individual/group on an as-needed basis.